Est: 2002; Proud members of the South-East Counties Women's Football League.
Players and Staff Welfare:
Violent Towards Women's and Girls
Over 70% of women in the UK have experienced sexual harassment (aggressive pressure) in public. But, only 4% of women reported harassment. 45% of women said they didn't believe reporting would help change anything (source: Women's Aid Sexual Harassment Report ).
Some well-known players have been charged with domestic abuse, sexual assault and rape. This has caused concern about the culture that exists in the sport. Football wants to take a stand and challenge violence against women and girls (VAWG).
VAWG is a form of discrimination. Previously, women and girls didn't receive fair or equal treatment. We call this gender-based inequality and this is how violence came to be overlooked.
Stand Up Against Harassment Training
Click the above picture for
​ free 1-hour Stand Up Against Harassment Training provided by the Suzy Lamplugh Trust helps to challenge some of the common reasons for bystanding and offers ideas for safely intervening
Safe Space Now
Click on the above picture to find out more on how the UN are working to creating safe and empowering public spaces for women and girls